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How to start a successful & profitable YouTube channel?
Today in
this article I’m going to talk about how
to start a successful & profitable YouTube channel from the very beginning
steps. Here are 12 steps that you need to follow in order to start a successful
and profitable YouTube channel. So, let's get into a bit more detail about
exactly how to start your YouTube channel from the scratch.
Choose a Topic for your channel
The first
thing is that you need to choose a topic for your channel that you're really
passionate about because if you want to have a successful YouTube channel
you're going to have to make a whole lot of videos that are mostly focused
around one central topic. If you're trying to decide between two or more
different topics for your channel then you may go and look at other channels
that make videos about those different topics and just see how much of a demand
is there for those different topics. Some topics are more popular on YouTube
than others. And you definitely want to choose a topic that has enough people
interested in it.
If your
channel is about multiple different things especially if they all work together,
keep your channel as focused on as few things as possible so that you can
really start to attract people who are all going to be interested in every
video that you create.
WHO will watch your videos, and WHY?
The second
thing that you need to do is get really clear for yourself about exactly who
your subscribers are going to be and what value they're going to get out of
watching your videos. People are only going to watch your videos and subscribe
to your channel, if there is something that they're getting from it even if
that something is simply entertainment value or relief from their boredom. But
you need to figure out who these people are going to be and why they're going
to watch your videos so that you can decide what videos will really appeal to
them and make videos every single week that will continue to interest and
engage them.
Brainstorm 100 video ideas
The next
thing that you need to do is to brainstorm 100 different video ideas. Though you
don't need a 100 video ideas at the beginning but for your own benefit you do
think of one hundred potential ideas. And the reason why is that you're never
gonna feel like you don't know what to make your next video about. You'll
always have this whole bank of ideas.
After you
come up with the hundred video ideas then narrow it down to the top 10 ideas
that you're the most excited about and that you can see based on research on
YouTube are the most popular ideas that most people are really interested in
Choose your equipment
The fourth
step for starting your YouTube channel is to choose some equipment. Now you
don't need anything really fancy. You can really get started with just your
smartphone. If you have any smartphone from the past couple of years it is
probably going to have just fine video quality for starting out. And phones
actually tend to have really good audio quality as well. So you won't even need
a microphone when you're first starting out. The biggest thing you need to keep
in mind is lighting. It has a dramatic impact on the quality of your videos. The
more light you can get on your face the better your videos will look. And
that's really going to impact how many people subscribe to your channel when
they watch your videos on YouTube.
all sorts of fancy lighting systems in the market, but for the beginning if you
want to do in budget you can choose a natural light. You can sit right in front
of a window and let the light hit your face and that’s going to look great.
Decide on a filming & upload schedule
The fifth
step that you need to do is to decide on your filming and uploading schedule.
So don't just decide which days you're going to upload but also figure out when
you're actually going to get those videos filmed so that you can put on your
calendar and make sure that you get that done every single week.
So for the best
results you upload at least once every week, two or three times can be great if
it isn't compromising your quality. Just make sure that you're not focusing on
the quantity over the quality.
Create your YouTube channel
Step six is
to actually create your YouTube channel. Now YouTube makes this really easy especially
if you already have a gmail account. You can basically just log in with your
e-mail account on YouTube and then click through their prompts and set up your
YouTube channel. It's super simple and they make it easy enough for anyone to
7. Design a banner &
write your channel description
Once your
YouTube channel is set up, create a banner and write a description for your
channel. These things really make your channel look a little bit more
professional. So that after someone watches one of your videos they click on
your channel and they realize that you’re actually making videos on a regular
basis and they're actually committed to this and that makes them a lot more
likely to hit that subscribe button. Also you can put fun information in your
banner or in your channel description that can motivate people to subscribe
even more.
Film your first video
Step number
eight is actually film your first video. Now don't overthink this. It's
probably going to be a little bit awkward if you've never done it before a
little bit uncomfortable, but that's what everyone goes through. And that's
kind of the cost of starting your YouTube channel getting off the ground. There
are so many good things that can come from having your own YouTube channel and
you just have to bite the bullet and film that first video and get it over with
after you filmed the video.
Edit your video & design your thumbnail.
Step number
nine is to edit your video and create thumbnail. You can edit your video footage into some sort
of editing programs. There are some great free options out there like imovie on
Macs or Windows Movie Maker on a Windows. There are plenty of other options
also, but choose a simple one, and then just cut out any mistakes from the
video, and if you want you can add a title card at the beginning of the video
that tells exactly what the video is about.
Then you
can either take a screenshot from the video to use as the thumbnail or you can
use another photograph or design a graphic for yourself. You can use a free
program like Carnival or photo. The main things you have to keep in mind when
you're creating the thumbnail is to make it as eye catching as possible and
also make it really clear what the video is about.
Upload your first video
Step number
10 is just to upload your first video. While uploading videos you need to write your interesting keyword
rich description about the video, and add some extra keywords that have some good
search volume. And, it would be better to upload your videos first hour in the
morning to give people the most time to watch them during the day. Different
youyubers upload their videos at different times throughout the day but there
is no any specific time that you need to upload but it generally is considered
to be best to upload at the same time every time when you upload because with
each video you upload you're gonna start attracting people who watch videos
around that time.
So if
you're uploading videos normally at 6 in the morning and then you upload a
video at 4:00 in the afternoon then all your normal people might not watch
videos at 4:00 in the afternoon, so just be consistent with it.
Like, comment, share
After you
upload your video, it's time to give your video as much of a boost as you can
because especially when you're first starting out. Every little bit that you
can do for that video really helps. This means that you yourself should watch
the video and hit the Like button. Leave a comment as yourself asking other
people to give a comment and then you should share that video with everyone
that you can share it on your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram wherever you're
at. Tell people that you just made your first YouTube video, and of course
shoot an email out to some friends and family and ask them if they could
possibly help you out by watching a video and hitting the like button.
It’s because
the more views a video does have the more people are actually likely to click
on that video and watch it because of something called social proof which
pretty much just means that we think that if other people are doing something
then it must be a cool thing to do.
Stay consistent!
And, now
the final step number 12 is to stay consistent. When you first start your
channel everything is new, bright, shiny and exciting and you'll have a lot of
motivation but as time goes on and especially when you're first starting out
and you have put out 5 or 10 videos and you might not be seeing very much
growth yet, you might feel discouraged and you might feel like quitting or
giving up because it's not working. But if you really want to see the growth,
if this is something that's important to you, you really want to turn this into
your career or simply reach more people and make it into a meaningful hobby. Then,
you must stay consistent. It takes time to grow your channel. It may take 6 to
12 months to see some significant growth. So, you need to keep uploading videos
every single week and you need to keep improving the quality with every single
So that’s all for creating a successful and profitable YouTube channel. Hope
this article is informative and helpful to you. Please comment your thoughts.
Have a good luck! Thank you!!
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